Date Line

美 [ˈdeɪt laɪn]英 [ˈdeɪt laɪn]
  • 网络日期;日线;换日线
Date LineDate Line
  1. We 'll be passing the international date line in five minutes .


  2. The international date line runs through the Pacific Ocean .


  3. We 're crossing the international date line .


  4. The International Date Line is a geographical noun .


  5. If you travel by ship across the Pacific , you cross the International Date Line .


  6. Crossed the date line twice and he didn 't alter it .


  7. Said two days ago . Crossed the date line twice and he didn 't alter it .


  8. New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line , so it is the first country to get the new day .


  9. If we cross the date line from the east to the west we have to omit one day .


  10. But Date Line still supports afternoon rebounce .


  11. So at 12:01 am , it was west of the date line , and it was Saturday morning .


  12. Date Line has still present early state , and all the technical indicators are weak state , but not completely destroyed .


  13. In case no report has been made after the expiration of the date line , the appointment is made by the competent authority .


  14. Just before the Millennium , some countries changed from behind to ahead of the International Date Line ; and Summer times can vary over time .


  15. In closing , 60-minute technical side turns down , date line technical side is weak , which shows big chance to back bounce .


  16. Starting at the International Date line in the mid-Pacific and spreading from east to west , crowds around Asia led the world in ringing in the New Year .


  17. You can decide from the date line whether an order is fulfilled , a contract or an agreement is in effect , or a bill is paid . Therefore , it shouldn 't be wrongly written or be omitted .


  18. In a vote of confidence for the Asian century , the country has decided to shift the jagged International Date Line to its east at the end of this year , which will bring it a day closer to Asia and Australasia .


  19. In case the competent authority deems it necessary , the date line referred to in the preceding paragraph may be extended to a certain ; but if no response is make after the expiration of the extension , the competent authority may ex office make the appointment .


  20. Can a guy ask a coworker for a date without crossing the line ?


  21. Application of Sum of Diagramming Date in Equipment One Line Layout Chinese commercial law adopts a model of specific regulations .


  22. In the foundation carrying frequency analysis about current capacity of the rivers during a year , using the same multiple ratio method and the typical year method , has calculated the date current capacity process line of various typical year .


  23. If you want to show the date when the signature is added in the signature line , select the show sign date in signature line check box .
